Pink, I sure enjoy your company here. Thanks.
i wanted to let you know that i told my mother i had found some information on the internet regarding jw,s.
i was then subjected to 2 odd hours on the phone about why apostates are so wrong and how these people are typist's for satan.
she put her husband on the phone too who went on a lot too....basically they wore me down and i ended the weakest again!
Pink, I sure enjoy your company here. Thanks.
for those who are not familiar with this issue... bush and the fda have been trying to stop seniors and other people from buying their prescription drugs from other countries for less than they can be purchased here in the us.. .
The good old FDA, eh.
Lets see, are these the same bastards that ok MSG in our foods. Oh, it's under a different labeling...natural flavor. Right. are funny, really. Always enjoy your posts.
first of all, thank you very much for taking the time to read this.
i hope that i am putting this in the right forum.. .
i studied as much about different religions as i could and read every book available to me.
Good morning, Fairchild.
Normally I don't reply to what someone says on posts concerning what I wrote, but as you took the time to address so many, I would like to clarify my position.
Yes, at times I do sound bitter because I do not look at the world through rose colored glasses. There is much hatred and cruelty on this planet...and none have such contempt for life as do the JW's, so I was using that as a bases because they teach hate, not love. They teach division, not unity. They teach every form of self-destruction possible through their lack of compassion.
Speaking from my experience only, just because I view humanity as something other than all lovey-dovey, we're gonna love everyone, etc...does not take away from the desire to have more of that warm fuzzy feeling. Such as I wish for you. Anyhow, thanks for the reply. Hope to read more from you as you journey into Self. It ain't really all that bad when we stop letting others tell us how to think and find self forgiveness.
mentally-ill girl who was sold for sex faces death penalty in iran by angus mcdowall in tehran.
14 december 2004 .
Religion and politics
i saw that the aclu in pennsylvania was suing a school district for mandating that "intelligent design" be taught along side evolution?
what is intelligent design?
is it the new creationism?
Kudos to what Else wrote.
well today's m'birthday!!
i'm uh.........21 again.
for some reason, it's really hit me hard this year and i don't know why.
I love birthday parties. Heck, I love any party.
is it true what we're hearing?
it's been reported to us that two elders burst in to a sda church service about a month ago seeking to trap a witness man there.
the man, a witness for 14 years, had become disillusioned with the affairs of the wts in australia after viewing the "sunday" program on channel nine which exposed the cover-up of paedophilia in the witness movement.
Yes, yes, I wanna read a follow up, too.
Thanks, Ozzie.
i called them and told the elders to not come to my house anymore.
i said i didn't want anyone from the kingdom hall to call on me.
to call on my the sisters not anyone.
Bull...too funny
Red, unbelievable! Or is it.
Seriously, what would happen if people in these type situations with religious zealots began contacting the police - seems like harrassment to me.
Yeah, I know, I know...the village idiot. It just would make my blood boil, too.
hi's been yonks!!
we are doing fine, just really busy living life.. well, last saturday i was out at the markets with a friend (thank goodness).
when i got home mr bliss informed me that a servant brought the co around to our place for a 'friendly' visit.
Oh my gawd! If ANY religious nuts came knocking on my door at that hour of the night...well, temporary insanity will always be my defense. What a$$holes!
And I always thought chronic barking dogs were bad...jeezzzzz
hey all.
my name's davin and i'm new around here just meeting people.
i love this page. might mention that living life in the guilt from someone else brings gray hair and wrinkles a lot faster then just living life free of religious neurosis.
Ditto...glad having you here. Yes, do try and direct your friend to this site. It's lots of fun, even for old grannies.